RSS Feeds

Alligator – feed reader for mobile devices

In Operation

Here’s an image of Alligator in action.

Alligator in action
Click image for full size

In the image above, we’ve added a few feeds including our own feed. Unread articles are marked with a light blue marker. It’s not a particularly attractive way to identify unread articles. We can also filter unread articles in the entries view, either for a specific feed or all feeds.

Excerpts of articles are shown. There’s a icon to open the complete article in a web browser.

The software offers a dedicated section to manage feeds which lets you refresh all feeds, add/delete a feed, and manage feed groups. The hamburger icon (far right) lets you export and import feeds.

Manage your feeds
Click image for full size

Feed management is fine, although we managed to add a blank entry which stubbornly refused to be removed via the GUI. The only way to remove that blank feed was to navigate to ~/.local/share/KDE/alligator and delete the database.db3. At least the software lets us export our feeds, so we didn’t have the rigmarole of adding feeds back one by one.

There’s also a settings section which lets you delete an article list after a defined time period. We can also set the font size for articles. But that’s it.


Alligator is a basic but functional news aggregator. The program’s responsive design is good, as is support for Android. But in many respects the program is unremarkable.

Alligator is not particularly stable; the app is prone to crashing.

Alligator faces pretty stiff competition from a news aggregator perspective. We highlight our recommended news aggregators in our Internet section where we select our recommended graphical, terminal-based, and self-hosted news aggregators.

Support: Code Repository
Developer: Tobias Fella
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

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