Download manager

Annie – video downloader built with Go

Last Updated on March 24, 2022


Annie works well. It’s fast, lean, and a handy tool. But it doesn’t supplant youtube-dl or You-Get in our opinion.

Compared to some other downloaders, the range of sites supported by Annie is not that wide. But it handles the important ones very well.

The project has attracted a lot of stars on GitHub. Currently the project has gathered over 11k stars. The number of stars garnished by a project definitely isn’t a barometer of quality. For example, the superb Python-based music player Tauon Music Box currently has fewer than 400 stars.

Documentation remains a major problem with open source software. Too many developers neglect this important aspect of a project. Sometimes, that’s understandable particularly if a project is a one person affair — there’s only so much time available. While the project doesn’t offer a man page, the essential features of the program are detailed on the project’s GitHub repository.

Developer: Xinzhao Xu
License: MIT License

Annie is written in Go. Learn Go with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Summary

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