Glances is a system administration tool that replaces a whole host of command-line utilities. Here’s our review of Glances.
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The Linux Portal Site
Glances is a system administration tool that replaces a whole host of command-line utilities. Here’s our review of Glances.
Read moreBoxes is a text filter which can draw ASCII art boxes around its input text. It can spice up news posting, emails, documenting files, and much more.
Read moreExifCleaner lets you remove privacy-invading information from your photos. It’s a cross-platform tool that runs on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Read moretint2 is a simple panel/taskbar made for window managers. It was specifically made for Openbox, a popular stacking window manager.
Read moreLinux is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to improve their cybersecurity. Here’s what you can do to improve your cybersecurity.
Read moreFraidycat acts as a central hub for internet content. It supports a wide variety of services including Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud, web sites, and more.
Read moreLooking for a new desktop environment that places emphasis on the keyboard input device over the mouse? Check out Regolith in this review.
Read moreMinase is a terminal file manager that uses libsixel, an encoder/decoder implementation for DEC SIXEL graphics. Minase is free and open source software.
Read moreFor Linux we recommend that home users install software that hides the complexity of doing backups. To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled a list of 5 best Linux simple backup software. Hopefully, there will be something here of interest to anyone who wants to take the effort out of ensuring the safety of their data.
Read moreAre you looking for a simple command-line tool that lets you search for fonts and preview them with no fuss and bother? fontpreview might just be the ticket.
Read moreWatson is a CLI-based open source utility that helps you track the time spent on projects. It’s free and open source goodness.
Read moreoneko is a silly bit of candy that creates a little cat which chases after your mouse cursor. It serves no useful purpose; but it’s amusing!
Read moreEven though there are plenty of VPN options for those who use Apple and Windows products, some might be in search of a VPN for Linux.
Read moreOCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched. It’s free and open source software. OCRmyPDF uses Tesseract, GhostScript and other tools.
Read moregti catches accidental typos of ‘gti’ instead of ‘git’. It displays an animation of a car driving by, and then launches git.
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