Best Free Android Apps: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup – roguelike game of exploration and treasure-hunting

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a game of dungeon exploration, combat and magic, involving characters of diverse skills, worshipping deities of great power and caprice.

To win, you’ll need to be a master of tactics and strategy, and prevail against overwhelming odds.

This is a good port of the game to Android.

Features include:

  • Interesting strategic and tactical choices within a balanced game.
  • Levels are randomly generated to promote variety in gameplay.
  • Character advancement with both experience level and a set of skills.
  • Choose a species which determines the aptitudes.
  • Deep tactical game-play
  • Sophisticated magic, religion and skill systems.
  • Wide variety of monsters to fight and run from, making each game unique and challenging.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
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FavouriteDungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a classic roguelike game.

While there are obvious limitations playing the game on Android devices with small screens, it’s still an enjoyable game. But if you want to enjoy the game to the full, you definitely want to try out the game under Linux.

There’s a real dearth of high quality open source software available for Android. That’s a real shame! Fortunately Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is open source goodness.

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