Password Manager

Best Free Android Apps: KeePassDX – multi-format KeePass password manager

Last Updated on February 27, 2021

There’s a strict eligibility criteria for inclusion in this series. See the Eligibility Criteria section below.

A password manager is a utility which helps users store and retrieve passwords and other data. Most password managers use a local database to hold the encrypted password data.

KeePassDX is a free and open source password manager for Android, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way.

You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key and/or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password and/or select the key file to unlock the whole database.

The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known.

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Features include:

  • Create database files / entries and groups.
  • Support for .kdb and .kdbx files (version 1 to 4) with AES – Twofish – ChaCha20 – Argon2 algorithm.
  • Compatible with the majority of alternative programs (KeePass, KeePassX, KeePassXC, …).
  • Allows opening and copying URI / URL fields quickly.
  • Biometric recognition for fast unlocking (fingerprint / face unlock / …).
  • One-time password management (HOTP / TOTP) for two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • Material design with themes.
  • Auto-Fill and integration.
  • Field filling keyboard.
  • History of each entry.
  • Precise management of settings.

FavouriteKeePassDX is an excellent app that fully deserves our strongest recommendation. It sports a great GUI, it’s easy to use, yet there’s lots of power under the bonnet.

This app offers a sublime way of managing KeePass databases.

Find all the great free Android apps that meet our eligibility criteria. Never pay for an Android app again!

Eligibility criteria

For an Android app to be awarded our love, it must satisfy the following criteria:
bullet-valid-icon High quality with a good set of features, stable in operation and mature software;
bullet-valid-icon No charge to use the app;
bullet-valid-icon No intrusive ads in the program;
bullet-valid-icon Open source and proprietary software can be included;
bullet-valid-icon Apps where additional functionality is available for a payment can be included where appropriate.
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