Internet Radio

Best Free Android Apps: RadioDroid 2 – radio streaming app

RadioDroid 2 is an internet radio streaming app.

The software uses, a community driven radio station directory with the aim of collecting as many internet radio and TV stations as possible. It functions like a wiki for online radio stations.

RadioDroid 2 is written in Java. Learn Java with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

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Features include:

  • Easily add stations.
  • Sleep timer – configurable between 1 and 60 minutes.
  • Alarm clock.
  • Record streams with four different naming formats.
  • Favourites.
  • Music Player Daemon (MPD) support. MPD is a powerful server-side application for playing music. In a home environment, you can connect an MPD server to a Hi-Fi system, and control the server using a notebook or smartphone. You can, of course, play audio files on remote clients. MPD can be started system-wide or on a per-user basis.
  • ChromeCast support.
  • Light and dark themes with the option of circular icons, compact mode, and bottom navigation.
  • Auto-play option.

FavouriteRadioDroid 2 is an advanced radio streaming app that has tons of features.

RadioDroid 2 faces stiff competition from Radioplayer. RadioDroid 2 lacks the polish of Radioplayer’s interface. But access to the acclaimed radio browser catalogue is a key feature.

And we love the fact that RadioDroid 2 is open source software (published under the GNU General Public License v3.0), whereas Radioplayer is a proprietary app.

Find all the great free Android apps that meet our eligibility criteria. Never pay for an Android app again!

Eligibility criteria

For an Android app to be awarded our love, it must satisfy the following criteria:
bullet-valid-icon High quality with a good set of features, stable in operation and mature software;
bullet-valid-icon No charge to use the app;
bullet-valid-icon No intrusive ads in the program;
bullet-valid-icon Open source and proprietary software can be included;
bullet-valid-icon Apps where additional functionality is available for a payment can be included where appropriate.
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