Vector Pinball

Best Free Android Apps: Vector Pinball – pinball game sporting simple vector graphics

Vector Pinball is a pinball game.

The graphics are deliberately simple; currently everything is drawn with lines and circles. The focus is on gameplay and accurate physics. The game uses the Box2D engine (via the Java wrapper in libgdx) to simulate its physics.

The game begins with ball savers in the left and right outlanes, which disappear when used. You can restore the ball savers by hitting all the drop targets on the left or right side.

Vector Pinball
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Features include:

  • Choice of 7 different tables.
  • Musical sound effects complement a pulsing electronic soundtrack,
  • Multiball – available when you lock three balls.
  • Unlimited balls.
  • Customization – turn on/off sound, background music, haptic feedback (vibration), independent flippers, zoom playfield, OpenGL rendering, and line width.
  • Show FPS.
  • The pinball field layouts are defined in assets/tables as JSON documents which makes them easy to modify. All field elements (walls, bumpers, rollovers, etc) are defined in the
    “elements” array.

The game is written in the Java programming language and licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. The developer maintains a GitHub repository. If you want to help out with development and need to brush up your Java knowledge, take a look at our recommended free books and free tutorials.

FavouriteVector Pinball is a great way to unwind after a hard day at the office (or crouched over a desk in your study).

Vector Pinball is free and open source too! We don’t see many open source games available for Android.

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3 years ago

Primitive graphics certainly but the game is pretty good.