Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Progress WS_FTP Professional

Progress Software Corporation is an American company that develops software for creating and deploying business applications. Their vision is to propel business forward in a technology-driven world.

WS_FTP Professional is a secure FTP client that provides reliable and secure transfer of critical files.

WS_FTP Professional is proprietary software and is not available for Linux. We recommend the best free and open source alternatives.

1. Filezilla

FileZilla is a multi-platform FTP and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface.

The software includes a site manager which allows the creation of a compilation of FTP sites, with individual setting for port, protocol, login details, starting directories etc. This functionality is similar to bookmarking/cookies included with popular web browsers, saving time when accessing popular sites.

Image of FileZilla
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2. Muon

Muon (previously known as Snowflake) is a graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities.

It provide an enhanced SFTP file browser, SSH terminal emulator, remote resource/process manager, server disk space analyzer, remote text editor, remote log viewer, and other helpful tools.


3. gFTP

gFTP is a free/open source multithreaded FTP client. It includes both a GUI (which utilizes the GTK+) and a command-line interface. Sites are stored in a hierarchical collection of bookmarks.

The GUI uses a familiar double-paned layout, with the local filesystem in the left pane and the remote filesystem in the right pane. Below these panes resides a transfer queue that shows the real-time status of each queued or active file transfer. Below that is a message log, which displays the text commands and responses between gFTP and the remote server.


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