Console MPD Clients

8 Best Free and Open Source Console MPD Clients

MPD is a powerful server-side application for playing music. In a home environment, you can connect an MPD server to a Hi-Fi system, and control the server using a notebook or smartphone. You can, of course, play audio files on remote clients. MPD can be started system-wide or on a per-user basis.

MPD runs in the background playing music from its playlist. Client programs communicate with MPD to manipulate playback, the playlist, and the database.

The client–server model provides advantages over all-inclusive music players. Clients can communicate with the server remotely over an intranet or over the Internet. The server can be a headless computer located anywhere on a network.

There’s graphical clients, console clients and web-based clients.

To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled a list of 8 best console-based MPD clients. Hopefully, there will be something of interest here for anyone who wants to use MPD on the command-line.

Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart.

Ratings chart

Let’s explore the 8 console MPD clients. For each program we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, together with links to relevant resources.

Console MPD Clients
ncmpcppFeatureful and rock solid ncurses based MPD C++ client inspired by ncmpc
ncmpyCurses based client written in Python language
ncmpcCurses based client written in C++
vimpcvi/vim inspired client for MPD written in C++
PMSVim-like console client
mmtcVery minimalistic client written in Rust
pimpd2Perl-based client
mpqMinimalist viewer and manipulator for MPD written in Go

This article has been revamped in line with our recent announcement.

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3 years ago

I’m loving ncmpy.