Text Editor

9 Best Free and Open Source Self-Hosted Pastebin Alternatives

A pastebin or text storage site is a type of online content-hosting service where users can store plain text (e.g. source code snippets for code review).

Pastebins developed in the late 1990s to support IRC chatrooms dedicated to computing, where users naturally need to share large blocks of computer input or output in a line-oriented medium

Pastebins are popular with developers for a number of reasons including support for syntax highlighting, temporary storage, ease of use, as well as anonymity. They can also store configuration information.

It’s worth noting that pastebins are not only useful for developers. Anyone can use a pastebin to paste and share any type of text.

This article focuses on the finest self-hosted pastebin tools. Only free and open source software is eligible for inclusion here.

Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart.

Rating chart

Click the links in the table below to learn more about each client.

Self-Hosted Pastebin Alternatives
PrivateBinMinimalist, online pastebin
TextBinCreate, manage, and share text snippets
OpengistSelf-hosted pastebin powered by Git
MicroBinSuper tiny, feature rich, configurable, and self-contained
DriftSelf-hostable Gist and paste service
wastebinMinimal pastebin
NoPasteClient-side paste service
lesmaSimple paste app, friendly with browser and command line
binMinimal pastebin
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4 months ago

I personally prefer MicroBin over PrivateBin for personal use. It’s opensource and self hostable.

4 months ago
Reply to  Sansbyte

Um PrivateBin is definitely self-hostable, I self-host it myself in a Docker container. It is open source too, so neither of those points should count against it at all. As a plus is has discussions which can be useful, but frankly moderation could be a problem.

That said, what I do like about MicroBin is snippets can be editable which can be a major plus, and has its own URL shortening.

Last edited 4 months ago by Danie