Compositing Window Managers

14 Best Free and Open Source Stacking Wayland Compositors

A window manager is software that manages the windows that applications bring up. For example, when you start an application, there will be a window manager running in the background, responsible for the placement and appearance of windows.

It is important not to confuse a window manager with a desktop environment. A desktop environment typically consists of icons, windows, toolbars, folders, wallpapers, and desktop widgets. They provide a collection of libraries and applications made to operate cohesively together. A desktop environment contains its own window manager.

There are a few different types of window managers. This article focuses on stacking Wayland compositors. We cover tiling Wayland compositors in a separate article.

A compositing window manager, or compositor, is a window manager that provides applications with a separate and independent buffer for each window. The window manager then processes and combines, or composites, output from these separate buffers onto a common desktop. It also controls how they display and interact with each other, and with the rest of the desktop environment.

Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart. All of the software featured here is free and open source.

Ratings chart

Let’s explore the stacking Wayland compositors at hand. For each title we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, together with links to relevant resources.

Stacking Wayland Compositors
KWinWindow manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop
MutterWayland display server and X11 window manager and compositor library
Wayfire3D Wayland compositor, inspired by Compiz
hikariActively developed on FreeBSD but also supports Linux
WayboxMinimalist Wayland compositor
labwcLab Wayland Compositor
EnlightenmentWindow manager and desktop environment
wlmakerWayland compositor inspired by Window Maker
WestonLightweight and functional Wayland compositor
MiriwayMir based Wayland compositor
Woodlandwlroots-based window-stacking compositor for Wayland
MagpieX11 window manager and compositor library
croissantWritten in C
HopalongSimple Wayland compositor with a feature set that’s comparable to XFWM
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1 year ago

What about Hyprland?