Vulnerability Detection

12 Best Free and Open Source Vulnerability Detection Tools

Security is paramount. Security involves defence in depth. Approaching security one step at a time, with consistency and rigour, you can mitigate threats, and keep intruders at bay.

Intruders use a variety of different techniques in an attempt to compromise a system. For example, systems can be attacked by denial of service, cracking, intrusion, snooping (intercepting the data of another user), or viruses/worms/Trojan horses. To have a secure box, a system therefore needs a variety of defences.

Vulnerability scanning is an essential activity for enterprise security.

Any competent enterprise will have a backbone of security measures including, but not limited to, a firewall, vulnerability scanner, asset-mapping, as well as a dedicated team that performs regular pentesting, an authorized simulated cyberattack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security of the system.

Recognizing, categorizing and characterizing security holes (known as vulnerabilities) among the network infrastructure, computers, hardware system, and software, etc. is known as Vulnerability Analysis.

Vulnerability scanners, in particular, are critical for ensuring that any threats that may have made it past the firewall are picked up before they can infect and undermine entire networks.

The chart captures our recommendations.

Ratings chart

Let’s explore the 12 tools. For each application we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, together with links to relevant resources.

Vulnerability Detection Tools
MetasploitPenetration testing framework
NucleiFast and customisable vulnerability scanner
OpenVASFull-featured vulnerability scanner
NiktoWeb server scanner
LynisAuditing, system hardening, compliance testing
grypeVulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
OSSECCentralized architecture for monitoring and managing multiple systems
OpenSCAPNIST Certified SCAP 1.2 toolkit
TerrapinTerrapin Vulnerability Scanner for the Terrapin attack
octoscanStatic vulnerability scanner for GitHub action workflows
GreenboneCentral management service between security scanners and the user clients.
TigerSecurity audit and intrusion detection too

This article has been revamped in line with our recent announcement.

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