Find Duplicates

6 Best Free GUI Tools to Find and Delete Duplicate Files

Even though the cost of storage per GB continues to fall, it’s common for users to need to find and remove duplicates files. Duplicates can stem from any file stored on your computer, be it images, software, music, video or what not. The process of finding and removing duplicates is time-consuming. Considering the volume of duplicate files, this is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are a number of tools that are designed to remove the laborious nature of finding duplicates by scanning and detecting your system for duplicate files in every format.

Duplicate files are a real annoyance. Aside from using disk space, these files do nothing but clutter up your drive, make your PC run slower, and increase the difficulty level significantly when it comes to finding the right version of a specific file: is it the one I just updated, or the other one?

Good duplicate finding software compares more than just a filename – including the file size – so it doesn’t remove files which are different to each other. You need reliable software. But always make sure you are making regular backups. And test the backups actually work.

Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart. Free and open source software that lets you find and remove the duplicate files that are cluttering up your file system.

Ratings chart

Let’s scrutinize the 6 tools at hand. For each utility we have compiled its own portal page, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, screenshots, together with links to relevant resources.

Find and Delete Duplicate Files
CzkawkaFind duplicate files, big files, empty files, similar images, and much more
BleachBitSystem cleaning software
dupeguruPython based GUI that offers special modes for pictures and music
DUDEDUplicates DEtector
fclones-guiInteractive duplicate file finder and remover
FSlintPython based CLI and GUI tool

This article has been revamped in line with our recent announcement.

Command-line tools to find and delete duplicate files are explored in this roundup.

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1 year ago

Why is jdupes rated lower than fdupes if jdupes is an enhanced fork of fdupes?