
Bulk URL Opener – manage and use large numbers of URLs


Bulk URL Opener has limited use cases as a desktop application. But if you need to open multiple urls on a regular basis, the program may be useful.

The program doesn’t warrant our recommendation. It’s fairly slow in operation with stability leaving something to be desired. There’s a fair few glitches and issues we run into even from limited testing.

Memory usage is high which is mainly because the program uses Electron. ps_mem reports that the desktop program uses around 276MB of RAM. That’s a hefty memory footprint, particularly given the program is essentially very simple. There’s definitely a call for the project to move away from Electron.

ps_mem is a small utility that reliably reports how much memory is consumed by an application. It’s a very handy open source utility. It interrogates the kernel to obtain the memory information, outputting the information in a clean and uncluttered way.

Website: bulkurlopener.com
Support: github.com/EuanRiggans/BulkURLOpener
Developer: Euan Riggans
License: MIT License

Bulk URL Opener is written in JavaScript and HTML. Learn JavaScript with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Summary

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