Carbon Player

Carbon Player – desktop media player

Last Updated on June 15, 2023


In its current state, Carbon Player isn’t ready for our music enjoyment. Given that most of our collection is encoded in FLAC, and that format isn’t supported by Carbon Player, the program is a non-starter. It’s been a long time since we’ve encountered a music program that doesn’t support this format.

Carbon Player appears to be in an early stage of development. Hopefully FLAC (and other formats) are supported in the future.

We tried a small MP3 collection with the software. The program performed reasonably well. But even if your collection is encoded in a supported format, there are so many other better music players available. Carbon Player doesn’t warrant attention in its current state.

Memory usage is very high compared to other music players. That’s a consequence of using Electron. The program consumes about 700MB of RAM.

Check out our recommended free and open source music players.

Developer: Ekene Izukanne
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

Carbon Player is written in JavaScript. Learn JavaScript with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Summary

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