Vala is an object-oriented programming language with a self-hosting compiler that generates C code and uses the GObject system. Here’s our recommended books to learn Vala.
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The Linux Portal Site
Vala is an object-oriented programming language with a self-hosting compiler that generates C code and uses the GObject system. Here’s our recommended books to learn Vala.
Read moreXML is a set of rules for defining semantic tags that describe the structure and meaning of a document. Here’s our recommended free XML books.
Read moreIcon is a high-level, general-purpose language that contains a wide variety of features for processing and presenting symbolic data — strings of characters and structures — both as text and as graphic images. Here’s our recommended free books that’ll help you master Icon.
Read moreAgda is a dependently typed functional programming language based on intuitionistic Type Theory. Here’s our recommended free books to learn about Agda and Type Theory.
Read moreEiffel is an object-oriented programming language designed by Bertrand Meyer and Eiffel Software. Here’s our recommended free books to learn Eiffel.
Read moreFactor is a dynamic stack-based programming language inspired by earlier stack-based languages like Forth and Joy. Here’s our recommended free books to learn Factor.
Read moreTcl (Tool Command Language) is a dynamic programming/scripting language based on concepts of Lisp, C, and Unix shells. Here’s our recommended free Tcl books
Read moreF# (pronounced F sharp) is a general purpose, strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming methods. Here’s our recommended free F# books.
Read moreElixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. Here’s our recommended free books to learn Elixir.
Read moreHere’s our recommended free books that’ll you master TypeScript.
Read moreVim is an open source configurable and powerful text editor. It’s an improved version of the vi editor, with development dating back to 1976. This software can be used to write any kind of text.
Read moreGit is a popular choice for revision control because it is fast, stable, flexible, and extremely powerful. It offers a comprehensive feature set, an active development team, and a number of free hosting communities.
Read moreTeX is a system for typesetting documents. It’s a powerful low-level markup and programming language that creates professional quality typeset text. Here’s our recommended free TeX books.
Read moreHere’s our recommended LaTeX books. Most of the books are published under an open source license, and all of them are free to read. LaTeX is a professional document preparation system and document markup language written by Leslie Lamport. It’s a very mature system with development starting more than 30 years ago.
Read moreThe Arduino is a cheap, flexible, open source microcontroller platform designed to make it easy for hobbyists to use electronics in homemade projects. Here’s our recommended free Arduino books.
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