Here’s our recommended free HTML tutorials to master this language.
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The Linux Portal Site
Here’s our recommended free HTML tutorials to master this language.
Read morePike is an interpreted, general-purpose, high-level, cross-platform, dynamic programming language. Read our recommended tutorials.
Read moreIn 2014, we identified 5 promising free and open source Integrated Development Environments. How did they fare?
Read moreThis article recommends 33 free books which will teach you the basics of R, how to produce amazing plots, how to apply R to lots of disciplines, and how to efficiently program in R. Many of the books are open source.
Read moreD is a general-purpose systems programming language with a C-like syntax that compiles to native code. Here’s our recommended D books.
Read moreMarkdown is a plain text formatting syntax created by John Gruber in 2004. It’s designed to be easy-to-read and easy-to-write. Here’s our recommended Markdown tutorials.
Read moreTypeScript is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language. Here’s our recommended free tutorials to learn TypeScript.
Read moreML (“Meta Language”) is a general-purpose functional programming language. It has roots in Lisp. Here’s our recommended free ML books.
Read moreKotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Here’s our recommended tutorials to learn Kotlin.
Read moreECMAScript is an object‑oriented programming language for performing computations and manipulating computational objects within a host environment. Here’s our recommended tutorials to learn ECMAScript.
Read moreVala is an object-oriented programming language with a self-hosting compiler that generates C code and uses the GObject system. Here’s our recommended free tutorials to learn Vala.
Read moreVala is an object-oriented programming language with a self-hosting compiler that generates C code and uses the GObject system. Here’s our recommended books to learn Vala.
Read moreXML is a set of rules for defining semantic tags that describe the structure and meaning of a document. Here’s our recommended free tutorials to learn XML
Read moreXML is a set of rules for defining semantic tags that describe the structure and meaning of a document. Here’s our recommended free XML books.
Read moreSolidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Solidity was influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript. Here’s our recommended tutorials to learn Solidity.
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