Fast Unix Commands provides modern UNIX commands.The goals of the project are to provide performance, efficiency, and usability.
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The Linux Portal Site
Fast Unix Commands provides modern UNIX commands.The goals of the project are to provide performance, efficiency, and usability.
Read moreSed-Go is an implementation of sed in Go. This sed engine can be embedded in your program.
Read moresd is an intuitive find and replace CLI. sd uses regex syntax that you already know from JavaScript and Python.
Read morebropages is a highly readable supplement to man pages. The CLI tool shows simple, concise examples for commands with syntax highlighting.
Read moretlrc is a tldr client written in Rust. The tldr-pages project is a collection of community-maintained help pages for command-line tools.
Read moretcount is a utility to count your code by tokens and patterns in the syntax tree. It’s written in the Rust language.
Read moreThis article spotlights alternative tools to sudo, a command which lets you execute a command as another user.
Read moreThe doas utility is a program originally written for OpenBSD which allows a user to run a command as though they were another user.
Read morepkexec allows an authorized user to execute a command as another user.
Read moresu allows commands to be run with a substitute user and group ID.
Read moredzdo is a command-line tool used to execute commands with the privileges of another user, such as the superuser or root user.
Read morednslookup is a simple command line utility to make DNS lookups. The tool supports DNS protocols: plain DNS, DoH, DoT, DoQ, DNSCrypt.
Read moredog is a command-line DNS client. It has colourful output, understands normal command-line argument syntax.
Read moreldns includes a DNS lookup utility named drill. It can perform DNS lookups and display the answers. Written in C.
Read morextmsplit is a command line program that allows to use or create .xtm files, like the Xtremsplit program allows on Windows.
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