Linux Distributions

Clear Linux OS – Linux distribution optimized for performance and security

Clear Linux OS is an open source, rolling release Linux distribution optimized for performance and security, from the Cloud to the Edge, designed for customization, and manageability.

Clear Linux OS offers options that are tailored specifically for the developers’ production.

The Clear Linux team uses multiple methods to optimize for performance on Intel products: kernel configurations, compiler flags and automatic use of optimized binaries and libraries. There are two versions available: Clear Linux OS Desktop, Clear Linux OS Server.

Features include:

  • Stateless – operate without any custom configuration, for example, a generic host with an empty /etc directory. Stateless systems strictly separate the OS configuration, the per-system configuration, and the VT user-data stored on that system.
  • Close to upstream – stays in lockstep with upstream, always staying on the latest version of the kernel and compilers. Daily security mitigations deliver available security updates to customers rapidly.
  • Open Source – a modular, cross-architecture, open source OS providing users the ability to differentiate.
  • Stateless – designed so that the user is able to quickly and easily manage their custom configuration vs. system configuration.
  • Built for Customization – over 4,000 complete packages available.
  • Intel Optimized – highly tuned for Intel platforms where all optimization is turned on by default.
Working state:Active
Init Software:systemd
Package Management:swupd
Release Model:Rolling
Developer:Intel Corporation
This article is part of our Big List of Active Linux Distros which is currently under development.

What's a Linux distribution ("distro")?

A distro provides the user with a desktop environment, preloaded applications, and ways to update and maintain the system.

Each distro makes different choices, deciding which open source projects to install and provides custom written programs. They can have different philosophies.

Some distros are intended for desktop computers, some for servers without a graphical interface, and others for special uses. Because Linux is an open source operating system, combinations of software vary between Linux distros.

This page was written with the help of a visitor who completed our distro form.

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