SysD Manager allows user to manage their systemd units via a GUI.
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The Linux Portal Site
SysD Manager allows user to manage their systemd units via a GUI.
Read moreIncreaseOS is billed as a modern, secure, and lightning-fast operating system for all kind of gear.
Read moreLepton EDA is a suite of software tools for designing electronics. It provides schematic capture, netlisting into over 30 netlist formats, and many other features.
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Read moreLogdy is a lightweight, single-binary log viewer that works just like grep, awk, sed, or jq. Simply add it to your PATH.
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Read moreHorizon EDA supports an integrated end-to-end workflow for printed circuit board design including parts management and schematic entry.
Read moreelement shows the periodic table and more on the command line.
Read moreThis article looks at software which provides a graphical user interface for automating desktop tasks.
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