13 Best Free and Open Source Linux ERP Software

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) manages the information and functions of a business. It provides an integrated system by which the entire business can be managed. Not only does ERP improve the efficiency of an organisation it also serves to help the firm’s management make more informed decisions.

Businesses constantly face a moving target. With globalization, competition from emerging countries, and technological improvements, organisations need to change. Traditional communication tools such as the facsimile have long been replaced by email. The internet has meant that information needs to be available at all hours of the day, not merely the working day. A modern business system needs to adapt accordingly. ERP software helps firms to rise to this challenge.

ERP software is an integrated suite of applications which commonly cover areas such as distribution, accounting, inventory, invoicing, shipping, logistics and manufacturing. Such software is not only beneficial for large multinational organisations, as small and medium size enterprises can gain significant improvements in their efficiency by deploying ERP software.

All of the software featured in this article is released under a freely distributable license. Some of the software applications have proprietary versions too, which add custom features and additional functionality.

To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled a list of 13 high quality free Linux ERP software. Hopefully, there will be something of interest for anyone who wishes to enhance their organisation’s efficiency.

Ratings chart

Click the links in the table to learn all about each program.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
OdooA complete ERP and CRM modular system
ERPNextFull featured business management solution that helps SMEs
Apache OFBizEnterprise software framework
ERP5Mission critical software for organisations and government agencies
DolibarrCompact ERP & CRM
ADempiereERP, CRM and SCM support for business process
TrytonThree-tier high-level general purpose application platform
metasfresh3-tier architecture with Rest-API and a Web User Frontend
iDempiereBusiness solution offering ERP, CRM & SCM functionality
BlueSeerDesigned to meet the needs of the manufacturing community
Axelor Open SuiteUniversal and modern platform dedicated to business applications
webERPComplete web based accounting & ERP system for SMEs
CompiereERP & CRM solution for small and medium-sized enterprises

This article has been revamped in line with our recent announcement.

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The software collection forms part of our series of informative articles for Linux enthusiasts. There are hundreds of in-depth reviews, open source alternatives to proprietary software from large corporations like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, and Autodesk.

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1 year ago

In your ERP Software list you included, Compiere and webERP. I believe you should not recommend these softwares to users.

– Compiere’s open source version has very minimum feature. Also, obtaining a community edition and source code of the project is now a hassle. Disagreement with its community resulted in a more open fork; Adempiere. Adempiere also has few forks iDempiere and metafresh.
– webERP is in maintenance mode from 2019. Looks like the project is dying. There’re so much better softwares out there. Many of them are on your list, just suggest using any of those.
– Last a suggestion, Axelor Suite an open source ERP, CRM and BPM pack.

anon user
anon user
9 months ago

Of this list…BlueSeer is the more practical installation. And, it’s entire functionality is free…not just a portion of it.