System Administration

Essential System Tools: TLP – power management package

Last Updated on May 28, 2022

In Operation

There’s no graphical interface for TLP, everything is actioned at the command line. There are automated background tasks to make things easier to manage.

The software is highly configurable. All its setting are stored in the config file /etc/default/tlp. The file is well documented, so you know the implications of changing a specific setting. The defaults give good power savings, but you can explicitly add some additional features.

By default, you’ll have Aggressive Link Power Management for SATA devices, auto-suspension of USB devices and network dongles. The software will scale CPU frequency, and more.

In general usage, you won’t know that TLP is running. There will be no reduction in the speed or latency of responsiveness in using software. TLP still maximizes the capabilities of your hardware when needed, and when it detects anything is idle, it saves power. The best of both worlds.

TLP Power Management

Next page: Page 3 – Other Features

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Other Features
Page 4 – Summary

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