Programming Books

5 Excellent Free Books to Learn Icon

Last Updated on May 22, 2022

Icon is a high-level, general-purpose language that contains a wide variety of features for processing and presenting symbolic data — strings of characters and structures — both as text and as graphic images.

Icon has a large repertoire of operations for manipulating structures — records, lists, sets, and tables — and extensive capabilities for processing strings of characters. At the heart of Icon is a goal — directed expression-evaluation mechanism that simplifies many programming tasks. Storage is allocated automatically — you never have to worry about allocating space — and garbage collection reclaims unused space as necessary.

Applications of Icon include analyzing natural languages, reformatting data, generating computer programs, manipulating formulas, formatting documents, artificial intelligence, rapid prototyping, and graphic display of complex objects, and more.

Here’s our recommended free books that’ll help you master Icon.

1. The Icon Programming Language by Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold

The Icon Programming Language

This book describes Version 9.3 of the Icon programming language.

The first 11 chapters of this book describe the main features of Icon. Chapter 12 contains an overview of Icon’s graphics facilities, and Chapter 13 describes features of Icon that do not fit neatly into other categories. Chapter 14 provides information about running Icon programs. Chapter 15 describes libraries of Icon procedures available to extend and enhance Icon’s capabilities. Chapter 16 deals with errors and diagnostic facilities. Chapters 17 through 20 illustrate programming techniques and provide examples of programming in Icon.

The reader of this book should have a general understanding of the concepts of computer programming languages and a familiarity with the current terminology in the field. Programming experience with other programming languages, such as Pascal or C, is desirable.

This book was originally published by Peer-to-Peer Communications. It’s out of print and the rights have reverted to the authors, who placed it in the public domain.

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2. Graphics Programming in Icon by Ralph E. Griswold, Clinton L. Jeffery, and Gregg M. Townsend

Graphics Programming in Icon

Chapters cover:

  • Introduction to the language.
  • Basic concepts of Icon graphics.
  • Drawing operations: lines, points, arcs, and more.
  • Icon’s “turtle graphics” procedures.
  • Facilities for reading and writing strings of text
  • Use of color.
  • Patterns and Images
  • Use multiple windows, use and sharing of graphics contexts, and interaction with the underlying graphics window system.
  • Input events including polling, blocking, synchronization with output, and complications raised by multiple windows.
  • Interface components (buttons, sliders, and more)
  • VIB – Icon’s interactive interface builder.
  • Program construction.
  • Additional dialogs.
  • Case studies.

To use this book, you should have some programming experience (not necessarily a knowledge of Icon), some experience with applications that use graphics (but not necessarily any experience in graphics programming), and access to a PC.

This book was originally published by Peer-to-Peer Communications. It’s out of print and the rights have reverted to the authors, who placed it in the public domain.

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3. The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language by Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold

The Implementation of the Icon Programming LanguageThe Implementation of the Icon Programming Language is a study of an implementation of Icon. It differs from usual books on compilers in emphasizing the implementation of run-time facilities and handling of sophisticated language features.

The book focuses on central issues of the implementation of the language.

You need a general familiarity with programming languages and a general idea of what is involved in implementing a complex software system.

This book originally was published by Princeton University Press. It’s out of print and the rights have reverted to the authors, who placed it in the public domain.

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4. Graphics Facilities for the Icon Programming Language by Gregg M. Townsend, Ralph E. Griswold

Graphics Facilities for the Icon Programming Language

The Icon programming language provides a large set of platform-independent facilities for graphical input and output. The implementation includes numerous functions and keywords specifically for graphics. These are augmented by additional library procedures that add higher-level capabilities.

This document describes the graphics facilities of Version 9.3 of Icon. A knowledge of Icon is assumed. Previous experience with computer graphics is helpful.The body of the text presents a survey Icon’s graphics capabilities. Full descriptions of the functions, attributes, and other items appear in appendices.

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5. Icon Programming Language Handbook by Thomas W. Christopher

Icon Programming Language HandbookThis book is designed to serve two purposes: to introduce the reader to Icon and to be a reference for Icon.

As an introduction to programming in Icon, the handbook assumes you already know how to program in some other procedural programming language — C or Pascal, say.

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