
Excellent Utilities: Tusk – Evernote desktop software

Last Updated on December 24, 2022

In Operation

Here’s the initial startup of Tusk.


While the software offers black, dark, and sepia themes, themes would not initially activate. And both the search shortcut and menu action item for search didn’t open the search dialog. The issue lies with the version of Evernote. The latest version of Evernote is not supported by Tusk. The solution is simple – switch to the older version of Evernote.

Here’s the Sepia theme displayed using the older version of Evernote. It’s targeted at users with glossy screens. All my displays are matte, which have an anti-glare coating applied to them. I avoid displays with reflections at all costs.

Tusk - Sepia Theme

And there’s the Dark Theme in action which the project bills as silky and relaxing. It’s definitely more relaxing on the eyes than the default or sepia theme.

Tusk - Dark Theme

And if you really want to look after your eyes, consider switching to the Black Theme.

Tusk - Black Theme

The main reason that attracted me to Tusk is the huge array of customizable keyboard shortcuts, there’s more than 70 local keyboard shortcuts. It’s best to have a printout of these local shortcuts, as they take a bit of effort to learn. Or if you want, you can define your own custom shortcut keys. You can also access Tusk anytime in your system with its global shortcut keys, although these are not user-definable.

The more time spent on the keyboard rather than the mouse makes a real difference to my productivity. And the Focus mode helps in this department, removing a lot of the cruft in the interface, reducing distractions. Combine this with the full screen option, and I’m all set for creativity. And if you’ve got a display with a low resolution, the software caters for you with a compact mode.

Productivity is also boosted with excellent note navigation, and the drap and drop support.

Next page: Page 3 – Other Features

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Other Features
Page 4 – Summary

Complete list of articles in this series:

Excellent Utilities
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horcruxFile splitter with encryption and redundancy
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KOReaderDocument viewer for a wide variety of file formats
ImagineA simple yet effective image optimization tool
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Liquid PromptAdaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh
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lsdLike exa, lsd is a turbo-charged alternative to ls
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Oh My ZshFramework to manage your Zsh configuration
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tmuxA terminal multiplexer that offers a massive boost to your workflow
TuskAn unofficial Evernote client with bags of potential
UlauncherSublime application launcher
WatsonTrack the time spent on projects
Whoogle SearchSelf-hosted and privacy-focused metasearch engine
ZellijTerminal workspace with batteries included
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deion granger
deion granger
3 years ago

Amazing Linux program I wrote this written the last year for my class project

3 years ago
Reply to  deion granger

I assume you are referring to a program you wrote rather than Tusk. Tusk’s first public release was back in August 2017. The project is written by Klaus Sinani, Mario Sinani and Athan Gkanos.

The project has seen almost no code commits in the past few years.