RSS Feeds

FeedDeck – RSS and social media feed reader

A news aggregator is software which collect news, weblog posts, and other information from the web so that they can be read in a single location for easy viewing. With the range of news sources available on the internet, news aggregators play an essential role in helping users to quickly locate breaking news.

For individuals that read lots of weblogs, a news aggregator makes keeping track of them effortless, and particularly useful if the weblogs are only updated occasionally.

FeedDeck is an RSS and social media feed reader, inspired by TweetDeck (now known as X Pro). FeedDeck lets you follow your favorite feeds in one place. Unlike X Pro, FeedDeck is free and open source software. If you don’t want to self-host the software, there are web plans available.


We evaluated FeedDeck using Manjaro, an Arch-based distro, as well as the ubiquitous Ubuntu.

With Manjaro, Pamac (Manjaro’s front-end installation tool) lets us install FeedDeck from a Flatpak. And there’s also a binary package in the Arch User Repository. We went with the Flatpak on this occasion.

Installing FeedDeck with Pamac

On the first startup, we’re promoted to sign in with Google, Apple, or FeedDeck. We created an account on FeedDeck for testing purposes.

Sign in

There are a few post-installation steps you might need to do. For example, you’ll need to provide a GitHub token to connect your GitHub account to your profile. This step is only needed if you want to use GitHub as a source.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Sources
Page 4 – Summary

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