RSS Feeds

FeedDeck – RSS and social media feed reader


FeedDeck is visually very beautiful. It let you follow your favorite feeds in one place on all platforms. Besides Linux, it runs under macOS and Windows.

FeedDeck faces pretty stiff competition from a news aggregator perspective. We highlight our recommended news aggregators in our Internet section where we select our recommended graphical, terminal-based, and self-hosted news aggregators.

Hopefully FeedDeck’s podcast functionality will be improved in the future. As things stands, you’re definitely better off with a dedicated podcast player. Check out our roundup of the finest graphical podcast tools.

The software is not particularly light with system resources. The wonderful ps_mem tool reports that FeedDeck uses around 430MB of RAM.

Support: GitHub Code Repository
Developer: Rico Berger
License: MIT License

FeedDeck is written in TypeScript. Learn TypeScript with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Sources
Page 4 – Summary

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