
fooyin – customisable music player

Please read our review of v0.3.7.

Like many types of software, the selection of a favorite music player is, to some extent, dependent on personal preferences. But we hope our reviews of music players help narrow the field.

All music libraries are different, and the right open source music player can make a world of difference – especially if you’ve a large collection.

I’ve reviewed the vast majority of music players for Linux. My last few reviews have been dominated by Electron-based players. But this review is different.

Fooyin is billed as a customisable music player. The word customizable is different to what it normally means. Here, we can choose which widgets to display so that the entire user interface can be customized to our heart’s content.

Fooyin is based on Qt 6.6.1, written in C++ and published under an open source license.


We normally test software with Ubuntu 23.10, but because of time issues, and the lack of an easy installation process, we reverted to Manjaro for this review.

There’s a package in the Arch User Repository which can be installed with an AUR helper such as yay or paru, or using pamac, Manjaro’s GUI installation tool. We’ll use yay:

yay -S fooyin

Fooyin installing

The compilation appears to proceed with no issues. But if we try to start Fooyin from our Applications menu, no happens. In this situation, run the program from a terminal to see what’s going on.

Error with shared libraries

Let’s see if there are any other errors with shared libraries. The ldd program comes in handy here. Fooyin puts a shell script in /usr/bin/ but we need to point ldd at where the executable actually is stored.

$ ldd /opt/fooyin/fooyin

Error: 3 missing libraries

The three shared libraries are located at /opt/fooyin/lib.

Location of shared libraries

We can fix the issue by creating a symbolic link to each library. Also termed a soft link, a symbolic link is just a special kind of file that points to another file.

$ sudo ln -sf
$ sudo ln -sf
$ sudo ln -sf

Our directory listing now looks like this:

Fooyin with symbolic links created

If we rerun the ldd command, the shared libraries are now found. Woohoo!


We can now start Fooyin from the Applications menu or from the command-line.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

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1 year ago

Thanks for the initial review!

It looks like the plugins also couldn’t be found, as the filters plug-in adds additional layouts and widgets.

Packaging is being worked on for future releases, and it’s definitely a priority to make it as easy to install as possible.

I appreciate the support regardless, and I’m excited to start working on some of the planned features once fooyin reaches a more mature state.

1 year ago

From the name to the logo, Fooyin seems to take inspiration from my favorite media player in Windows, foobar2000; which is an excellent news to me. I am going to watch Fooyin very closely 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Seb

foobar2000 is proprietary software and doesn’t run natively under Linux. Wheres fooyin is open source goodness and runs under Linux.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alain

Yes, these are the exact reasons why I am interested in Fooyin.

5 months ago

I just installed fooyin and i would like to now hot i add visualization like peak or vu metre or specrum.