
Gamestonk Terminal – investment research tool

Last Updated on December 24, 2022

In Operation

Here’s an image of Gamestonk Terminal on startup.

Gamestonk Terminal

There are menus for stocks, crypto, etf, economy, forex, portfolio, reports and resources. We’ll briefly describe what each of them offer, as the sheer amount of functionality cannot be covered in detail in a short review.


The simplest way to start is to load a specific stock ticker to perform analysis. You need to know the stock ticker code. For example, let’s find the ticker for Pfizer, Inc. Use the search command:

search Pfizer

Gamestonk Terminal - search for stock

Armed with the ticker code for Pfizer (PFE), we can load the stock. We’ve defined a date range using -s (start) and -e (end).

load -t PFE -s 2020-01-01 -e 2021-12-28

We can get a quote of the stock with the quote command:

Gamestonk Terminal - quote

Let’s see the output from the candle command. This shows historic data for the loaded ticker in an interactive chart that loads in a web browser.

Gamestonk Terminal - candle
Click image for full size

An open-high-low-close chart is displayed. This is a chart which illustrates movements in the price with each vertical line showing the price range. Moving averages over a period of 20 and 50 days are shown together with high and low trends. A moving average is a widely used technical indicator that smooths out price trends by filtering out the “noise” from random short-term price fluctuations.

The interactive plot is generated using Plotly but we can also use matplotlib instead.

There’s export and sorting options as well as the ability to output raw data instead of a chart. By default, stock data is sourced from Yahoo Finance, but there are also AlphaVantage and IEX Cloud data sources available.

Above is merely a taster of the huge range of options available from the stocks menu.

Gamestonk Terminal - stocks menu
Click image for full size

As you can see, we have a wealth of useful information available at our fingertips. To access some of this information you’ll need to have configured API keys.

One of the strengths of the software is its quantitative analysis. Here’s a chart for GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK) showing the output from the cusum command (this detects abrupt changes using cumulative sum algorithm of prices).

Gamestonk Terminal - QA
Click image for full size

Next page: Page 3 – Other Features

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Other Features
Page 4 – Summary

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3 years ago

Day trading is NOT a form of gambling. Gambling is pure luck play, day trading is a lot about skill. Granted, most people do not have the skill and will lose money, so the warning is spot on. But it is far from gambling.

3 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Putting NOT in capitals doesn’t transform your opinion into a fact. Gambling certainly isn’t simply pure luck.

The difference between investing and gambling isn’t always clear cut. Many eminent investment professionals (such as Warren Buffett) consider day trading a form of gambling.

It really comes down to how gambling is defined.

For example in English law gambling forms part of a wider landscape of activities including financial transactions.

Others argue that the extent to which financial speculation (which includes day trading) is similar to gambling is the extent to which it may have similar addictive and harmful aspects.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Agreed, all depends on the definition.

3 years ago

Did you raise the Docker problem on the GitHub?

3 years ago

I found installing Gamestonk a pain, way too many dependencies.

1 year ago
Reply to  JV

Bingo. Wow, the number of dependencies is stunning. And many packages of different version numbers are installed multiple times.

Chris Ajibola
Chris Ajibola
3 years ago

This was really helpful, I really appreciate the person who wrote this article. Thank you

3 years ago

Somewhat bamboozled trying to set up the Docker. Might be me as I’m a newbie with Docker.

3 years ago

GamestonkTerminal is now available as a discord bot, so you can use discord as the interface on both desktop and mobile. Huge leap forward for the Gamestonk Terminal!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Eric

Huge leap backwards given that Discord is proprietary crapware.

3 years ago
Reply to  Freddy

for those who cannot manage docker or python installs(or don’t want to), it’s a fantastic option to access the best open source equities analysis platform, easily, quickjly, on desktop or mobile!

3 years ago
Reply to  Freddy

That’s a pig in a poke.

The solution should be to make the installation easier. The vast majority of Linux programs are trivial to install, Gamestonk Terminal should focus on that.