Gate 88 – space shooter game

Last Updated on July 11, 2021

Gate 88 is a fast-paced, frenetic blend of RTS and 2D space shooter. The player pilots a ship in 2D, as in Asteroids, while building structures such as turrets, factories, and research stations in an effort to destroy other’s bases while protecting their own.

Gate 88 is often described as “like subspace but with the ability to build turrets and command fighters.” While a skillful pilot can decimate the enemy in one-on-one combat, a thoughtful player can overwhelm the opponent with strategic turret and fighter placements. However, only those who truly understand the intricate details of both action and strategy will win the day.

The objective of the game is to protect your command post while destroying your enemy. You will build various buildings and give command to fighters to help eliminate your opponent. Each building and research item requires resources. Your ship will automatically gain resources over time. As well, the shipyards that you build will automatically construct fighters up to its capacity. Use the action menu to launch these fighters.

Instead of an intrusive heads-up-display, Gate 88 embeds a lot of information within the graphics itself. Each destroyable game entity has a coloured circle in its center. The colour represents its affinity towards you. Green entities are your ships and buildings. Red entities are your enemies. Gray entities are buildings that have lost power.

The intensity of the colour will tell you health status of an entity. The brighter the colour, the healthier it is.

Your ship also has a ring around the center circle. The intensity of the colour of this ring represents your battery power. Battery power automatically regenerates.

Finally, depending on the state of certain entities, they will animate accordingly.

Because alliances can be broken on a whim, players must interpret the social situation of the game to ensure that each alliance is sincere. For example, it is not uncommon for an allied player to plant turrets and fighters within your base only to break the alliance and watch your empire crumble from within. Always be careful with your trust.

In the game you can create buildings and research things with resources. Factories will increase the rate at which you get resources, which are made like any other building. There is a maximum you can make of every building. The research building allows you to research things, the more you make, the faster you can research. You can also make shipyards which make ships, and you can launch them by making targets with your capitol ship.

Gate 88 employs a unique user interface that allows players to pilot their ship while performing strategic operations.

Features include:

  • Multiplayer over LAN and the Internet (public servers).
  • Pilot ship combining strategic operations.
  • There are many things to build and research in Gate 88, including:
    • Buildings.
    • Command post – the building you must protect, and you must destroy the other player’s.
    • Factory – creates resources to make other buildings.
    • Research Lab – Allows you to research things.
    • Power generator – Powers all buildings a certain radius around the generator.
    • Time bomb – once placed it will blow up in a certain amount of time and hurt any enemy objects.
    • Missile turret – Shoots missiles at any enemy.
    • Mass Driver(MD) turret – Pushes enemies away from the MD.
    • Exciter turret – Surrounds enemies with bullets.
    • Regen turret – heals any friendly units(buildings or ships).
    • Fighter yard – Makes fighters.
    • Bomber yard – Makes bombers.
    • Signal station – detects enemies.
    • jump gate – jumps you to another warp gate.
  • Things to research:
    • Some things you research can be researched more to increase its level.
    • Battery – increases battery power and firing rate.
    • Mechanics – increases speed.
    • Heavy materials – increases mass and hp.
    • Weapon pod – adds another gun onto your ship.
    • regeneration – grants the regen mode(special – heal yourself . normal – fire a healing weapon).
    • Heavy config – grants the heavy configuration (special – rapid fire single . normal – like natural config but big bullets).
    • Stealth config – grants the Stealth configuration (special – makes you and friendly building around you invisible . normal – a rapid fire gun).
    • Signals – Grants the ability to make signal stations.
    • Mini turret – creates a turret on you ship that will shoot enemies near you (you can have up to 3).

Developer: Jonathan Mak
License: Freeware


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