
Getting Started with Docker: Portainer CE

Managing Docker with Portainer

The graphical interfaces makes it much easier to manage Docker containers. Let’s look at a few of the features that Portainer offers.


We’ve accessed the Dashboard by pointing our web browser to https://localhost:9443. The Dashboard offers a convenient overview of stacks images, containers, volumes, and networks.

Portainer - Dashboard
Click image for full size


Portainer provides a simple and easy way to manage Docker Containers.

Click the ‘Containers’ menu on the left and you’ll see the page below.

Portainer - Container list
Click image for full size

We can start, stop, restart, create a new container, access the shell of the container, see the container log, and stats of the container from this Portainer container management.


Click the ‘Images’ menu and you will see something like this.

Portainer - Images
Click image for full size

We see a list of docker images on our system. We can manually create a new docker image, or pull/download new images from the Docker Hub repository.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction
Page 2 – Managing Docker with Portainer

All articles in this series:

Getting Started with Docker
Installing Docker EngineLet's start with the basics. We install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Run Docker without sudoRun Docker without the security privileges of root
CommandsA brief overview of the 40 Docker commands
ImagesA Docker image is a file used to execute code in a Docker container
Portainer CEInstall this interface to manage different Docker environments
DryInteractive CLI for Docker containers
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3 years ago

Docker containers offer a way to get a real grip on software. I use them to wrap up applications, for isolation, control and portability.

3 years ago

Docker and docker-compose is great, it let you pack so much in to tiny server, like a Pi and get so much performance out of it.