File Managers

9 Admirable Graphical File Managers

Last Updated on March 19, 2024


Xfe gets a very strong recommendation. It’s a marvelous file manager which is extremely frugal. But the standard of the other file managers is pretty high too. They’re not as visually appealing as many Qt and Gtk file managers, but aesthetics certainly isn’t everything.

If you prefer Qt applications, check out Qt File Managers Roundup. Alternatively, if GTK is your preferred toolkit, check out GTK File Managers Roundup. And we’ve also compiled our Survey of Console Based File Managers for when you need file management at the terminal. And we’ve recently updated our Group Test: 14 Best Free Linux File Managers.

We’ve deliberately only included one web based file manager (Cloud Commander) in this article. This is because many web based file mangers aren’t suitable for the target audience. They can often be unsuitable or require more effort to install and keep secure.

But we, of course, acknowledge there are good web based file managers such as (this requires Docker), File Browser, KodExplorer, and Responsive FileManager. And you might want to try Filemin, a file manager for Webmin written in Perl.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Xfe, trolCommander, Worker
Page 2 – Wal Commander, Cloud Commander, muCommander
Page 3 – TkDesk, JFileProcessor, CFO
Page 4 – Memory comparison
Page 5 – Summary

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