Headset – YouTube / Reddit desktop music player

Last Updated on September 1, 2020

I’m a massive music fan with a large collection of CDs consisting mostly of classical, country, blues, and pop. Streaming services fills in for other music genres, so I basically dabble with a wide range of music. Linux is blessed with a great arsenal of high quality music players. But I’m always on the look out for innovative streaming software.

Headset is a music player for the desktop that connects with the huge catalogue of music available from YouTube. Users can search through this collection of music, play what they find and save tracks/playlists. Headset can also read popular music subreddits and play the tracks in sequence.

The client app is released under the MIT license, but the core web-application is proprietary software.


The developer provides convenient packages for Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora distributions. In Ubuntu, the software didn’t install with the command.

$ sudo dpkg -i headset_2.1.1_amd64.deb

That failed on my system as it was missing libgconf2-4. GConf is a configuration database system for storing application preferences. But this was easily rectified with:

$ sudo apt install libgconf2-4

I was then ready to rumble. There are also binaries available for Mac OS and Windows operating systems, but I didn’t try the software in those environments.

If your Linux distro doesn’t have supported packages, you can either clone the project’s repository or download the compressed tarball and compile the source code. The compressed tarball is a slim 2.9MB download.

And you can compile the software for other operating systems providing it supports Node.js.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Other Features
Page 4 – Summary

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6 years ago

Seems that Headset isn’t worth trying!