Flash OS

Impression – create bootable drives

In Operation

Here’s an image of Impression in action.


If you hate a complicated UI, you’ll love Impression. It’s simplicity personified.

The developer provides direct downloads for a handful of Linux distributions. Think of it as a fast-track for common distros.

In the example below, we clicked Fedora. We’re now presented with a choice of USB disks to write to.

Writing Fedora

Impression then proceeds to download the Fedora ISO.

Downloading Fedora

Once completed, it writes the ISO to the USB stick.

Writing Fedora to a USB stick

Alternatively, if you want to write a different distribution or other operating system to the USB device, download the ISO from the distro website and then choose Open File, or drag and drop the file into the program’s window..

The software also lets you open .xz image files.

Erik is compiling a big list of active Linux distros which include a link to each distro’s home page.


Impression is a capable utility. It makes the process of writing a Linux distro to a USB disk as simple as Larry.

Impression faces stiff competition. If you need software with more functionality, check out this roundup.

We’d prefer the developer added protection. For example, large disks should be hidden by default.

Website: apps.gnome.org/Impression
Support: GitLab Code Repository
Developer: Khaleel Al-Adhami, Brage Fuglseth (design)
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Impression is written in Rust. Learn Rust with our recommended free books and free tutorials

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

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