
Linux Around The World: Australia

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

AustraliaOfficial Language: English (de facto)
Population: 26 million
Capital: Canberra
Currency: Australian dollar ($) (AUD)
Major Industries: Finance, business consulting, metals/mining, energy & utility, healthcare

Australia is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
-Linux Australia is the peak body of Open Source communities in Australia. Linux Australia represents approximately 5,000 Australian users and developers of Free Software and Open Technologies.
BrisbaneHUMBUG is a Unix (*BSD, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, etc.) and Open Source user group that meets fortnightly at the University of Queensland.
CanberraCLUG The Canberra Linux Users Group (CLUG) meets on the 4th Thursday of every month in room N101, on the ground floor of the Computer Science and Information Technology building at the Australian National University.
MaitlandHVLUG: Hunter Valley Linux Users Group is a very small informal group of Linux users.
MelbourneLUV: Linux Users of Victoria is a group for Victorian people interested in Linux. It offers support to local Linux users.
PerthPLUG: Perth Linux Users Group aims to assist people in Perth and Western Australia. It has members from Perth, Broome, Collie, Katanning and Kalgoorlie.
SydneySLUG: The Sydney Linux Users Group (SLUG) is a community of passionate freedom and technology lovers,
SydneyCSESoc is a representative body of computing students at The University of New South Wales.
SydneySydney PC & Technology User Group
TasmaniaTasLUG: Tasmanian Linux User Group promotes the use of Linux as well as Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) in general.

Did You Know? The large deserts of central Australia mean that the vast majority of the population (90%) live on the coast.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest eco-system in the world. It consists of nearly 2,500 individual reefs.

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