
Linux Around The World: Brazil

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

BrazilOfficial Language: Portuguese
Population: 214 million
Capital: Brasília
Currency: Real (R$) (BRL)
Major Industries: Mining, agriculture, and manufacturing

Brazil is a country in South America. It borders all the other countries and territories in South America with the exception of Ecuador and Chile.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
Belo HorizonteDevOps Belo Horizonte is a group to exchange knowledge and experience with the DevOps culture and also on the technologies and practices natively oriented for Cloud that support this culture.
Rio de JaneiroPythOnRio offers Python Meetup talks and exchanges of experience about the language.
Rio Grande do SulTchelinux spreads the word of Linux to all corners of Southern Brazil.
São Carlosopensanca offers discussion about Open Source development.
São PauloZabbix Latin America is intended for all those who act directly or indirectly and want to learn more about monitoring with the open source Zabbix tool.

Did You Know? Around 60% of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.

Brazil is the only country in South America which speaks Portuguese.

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