Linux Candy

Linux Candy: emoj – find relevant emoji from text

Last Updated on May 25, 2022

The internet has rapidly transformed the way we communicate. Since body language and verbal tone are not conveyed in text messages or e-mails, we’ve developed alternate ways to convey nuanced meaning. The most prominent change to our online style has been the addition of two new-age hieroglyphic languages: emoticons and emoji.

Emoji originated from the smiley, which first evolved into emoticons, followed by emoji and stickers in recent years. Smiley first appeared in the 1960s and is regarded as the first expression symbols. Smiley is a yellow face with two dots for eyes and a wide grin which is printed on buttons, brooches, and t-shirts.

An emoji is a pictogram, logogram, ideogram or smiley embedded in text and used in electronic messages and web pages. The main function of emoji is to provide emotional cues otherwise missing from typed conversation.

emoj is a utility that lets you find relevant emoji without having to leave your terminal. This open source tool is written in the JavaScript programming language.


On our Ubuntu 21.10 systems, we use npm, a package manager for JavaScript. to install emoj. First we need to install npm (you may already have this installed)

$ sudo apt install npm

Now we can proceed and install emoj using npm.

$ npm install --global emoj

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation / Summary

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation / Summary

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Ayi Ariquater
Ayi Ariquater
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