Linux Candy

Linux Candy: Fantascene – dynamic wallpaper

In Operation

Here’s an image of Fantascene in action.

Two live wallpapers

As you can see, we’ve loaded two live wallpapers, they play independently on each desktop. On our Intel NUC 13 Pro test system which doesn’t have a dedicated graphics card, it consumes lots of resources!

The software lets you download live wallpapers from a number of different sites.

Here’s the advanced settings that are available.

Advanced settings


Fantascene is perfect for inclusion in our Linux Candy series. If you want live video playing on your desktop background, this is the program for you. Just make sure your machine has lots of spare resources.

Yes, this program is a big hog of system resources. Running on the Performance power mode, top reports playback of the two live wallpapers consumes around 250-300% CPU on our Intel NUC 13 Pro (this is a 12 core, 16 thread machine). It’s not only CPU intensive. The wonderful ps_mem utility reports memory usage at 1.6GB.

Developer: Liu Ming Hang
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Fantascene is written in C++. Learn C++ with our recommended free books and free tutorials.

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction and Installation
Page 2 – In Operation and Summary

Complete list of articles in this series:

Linux Candy
ASCIIQuariumEmbrace marine life from the terminal with beautiful ASCII art
ASCII Art ConverterA small utility that converts images into ASCII art
BobRossQuotesCollection of quotes from Bob Ross
BoxesCommand line ASCII boxes
BuohOnline strips comics reader
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catclockxclock with an enhanced cat mode
cbonsaiGenerate bonsai trees in the terminal
christmasfetchFestive cheer on the desktop
chucknorrisChuck Norris jokes in your terminal
cornyjokesCorny jokes for the terminal
CMatrixncurses program that simulates the display from “The Matrix”
ctreeA Christmas tree right on your terminal
eDEX-UISci-fi computer terminal emulator and system monitor
emojSimple tool that to find suitable emojis for pasting to your clipboard
EmoteModern popup emoji picker
EvolvotronInteractive generative art
FantasceneDynamic wallpaper changer
FondoFind beautiful wallpapers from Unsplash
gtiTypo-based curio inspired by Steam Locomotive
HollywoodFill your console with Hollywood melodrama technobabble
lifecyclerAquarium right in your terminal
linuxwaveGenerate music from the entropy of Linux
lolcatRainbows and unicorns
No More SecretsRecreates the data decryption effect from the Sneakers movie
nookPlays Animal Crossing hourly themes on the hour
nyancatTerminal-based Pop Tart Cat Animation
onekoAnimal chasing fun
pipes.shAnimated pipes terminal screensaver
ponysaycowsay reimplemention for ponies
projectMMusic visualizer originally based on Milkdrop
pscircleA different take on the venerable ps command
PyBonsaiGenerates procedural ASCII art trees
pyjokesOne line jokes for programmers
PywalGenerate color schemes on the fly (not actively developed)
RelaxatorRelax to soothing sounds
Rusty AquariumMonitoring by visualization
Steam LocomotiveC program written in 295 lines. It's harmless fun
TernimalAnimated lifeform in the terminal
terminal-parrotParty parrot time
tetrisTile-matching puzzle video game in your terminal
VarietyWallpaper manager with many desktops and wallpaper sources
WallGenGenerate HQ poly wallpapers with a few arguments.
WallpaperDownloaderDownload, change, and manage wallpapers
wallustCreate 16 color palettes
xcowsayDisplays a cow on your desktop with message
XDecorationsAdd some festive cheer to your desktop
XScreenSaverFramework and collection of screensavers
yosayLike cowsay but with less cow
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Torin Doyle
Torin Doyle
10 months ago

Hi LL mods. Under “Pages in this article:”, there 2 links that link to the Variety wallpaper changer software instead of Fantascene.
