
Linux Around The World: Germany

GermanyOfficial Language: German
Population: 84.2 million
Capital: Berlin
Currency: Euro (€) (EUR)
Major Industries: Automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical industry

Germany is a country in Central Europe. It’s bordered by Denmark to the north, Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, Austria and Switzerland to the south, and France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the west.

User Groups

This is very much WIP. I’m slowly adding LUGs.

LocationLinux User Group
BrettenBreLUG: Brettener Linux User Group meets every first Friday evening of the month in a Bretten.
EsslingenLUGES: Linux User Group Esslingen
FreiburgFLUG: Freiburger Linux User Group meets every third Friday / from 2022 third Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m.
MundelsheimLuLUG: Ludwigsburger Linux User Group
Neu-UlmLUG-Ulm meets in real life at 14-day intervals, provided there are no pandemic-related restrictions.
OffenburgLUGOG Linux User Group Offenburg
StuttgartLUGS: Linux User Group Stuttgart
TübingenLUGT: Linux User Group Tübingen

Did You Know? Germany has 1,500 different types of beer, 300 types of bread and 1,000 types of sausage.

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