Picture of Belgrade, Serbia

Linux Around The World: Serbia

Map of SerbiaOfficial Language: Serbian
Population: 6.6 million
Capital: Belgrade
Currency: Serbian dinar (RSD)
Major Industries: Energy, the automotive industry, machinery, mining, and agriculture

Serbia is a landlocked country in Southeastern and Central Europe, situated at the crossroads of the Pannonian Basin and the Balkans. It shares land borders with Hungary to the north, Romania to the northeast, Bulgaria to the southeast, North Macedonia to the south, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the west, Bosnia to the south and west, and Montenegro to the southwest.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
BelgradeDevOps Talk Belgrade is about learning and sharing information on the DevOps movement - culture, practices and tools. This is a group for professionals, hackers, managers, and engineers - from development and operations backgrounds.
BelgradeHyperledger Belgrade is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies.
Novi SadLUGoNS: Linux User Group of Novi Sad.

Did You Know? Serbia is the 3rd largest producer of raspberries.

The Djerdap Gorge (known as the Iron Gates) is the longest and deepest in Europe.

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