
Linux Around The World: USA – California

Last Updated on July 22, 2023


CaliforniaPopulation: 39 million
Capital: Sacramento
Largest City: Los Angeles
Major Industries: Agriculture, Film and Television, Travel and Tourism, Technology

California is a state in the Western United States. California borders Oregon to the north, Nevada and Arizona to the east, the Mexican state of Baja California to the south; and has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean to the west.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
BerkeleyBUUG: Berkeley Unix User Group is a friendly support network for residents of Berkeley and surrounding areas, who want to learn and discuss Linux, BSD, Solaris, or other Unix-type systems.
CampbellCocoaHeads: meets every Tuesday from 7-9PM. CocoaHeads merged with NSCoders.
DavisLUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis holds regular meetings twice a month.
FullertonOCLUG: Orange County Linux Users Group meet each month to share information, troubleshoot and plan activities.
Los AngelesSFVLUG:: Linux User Group for the San Fernando Valley meet every two weeks, every other Saturday.
Los AngelesUCLALUG: Linux Users Group at UCLA is a student run group of Linux advocates and users. They offer a support network for Linux users by offering help with Linux, hosting Linux related events, and together with several computing services.
Menlo ParkCABAL: Consortium of All Bay Area Linux is a group of enthusiasts of the Linux operating system in the San Francisco Bay Area.
PasadenaSGVLUG: San Gabriel Valley Linux User's Group.
SacramentoSacLUG: Sacramento Linux Users group.
San FranciscoBALUG: Bay Area Linux Users Group meets generally on a monthly basis.
San Francisco SFBayLUG: San Francisco Bay Area Linux Users Group; was formerly Silicon Valley Linux User Group
San Francisco SF-LUG: San Francisco Linux Users' Group is a discussion group that focuses on Linux and related open source technologies and news.
San JoseBayLISA: A system administration user group in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area.
San Luis ObispoSLOLUG: San Luis Obispo Linux Users Group meets online on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM via Zoom (audio/video conferencing) to share our experiences using Linux, demonstrate applications, features of the Linux operating system and computer hardware.
San Luis ObispoCPLUG: Cal Poly Linux Users Group holds regular talks and meetings, as well as social events.
Santa ClaraBAFUG: Bay Area FreeBSD User Group is a group for Open Source Unix like operating systems, based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Santa RosaNBLUG: North Bay Linux Users' Group serves the San Francisco North Bay and surrounding areas.
Scotts ValleyFeltonLUG: Felton Linux Users Group promotes Linux and free/open source software in Felton and the surrounding San Lorenzo Valley.
SunnyvaleBayPIGgies: Bay Area Python Interest Group.
Walnut CreekDVLUG: Diablo Valley Linux Users Group shares experiences with other users, developers and technologists. Less experienced, (even technophobic) curious users are welcome too.

Did You Know? If California was a country, it would be the fifth-largest economy in the world. It is only surpassed by the United States, China, Japan, and Germany.

Linux Around The World This article is part of our Linux Around The World series showcasing usergroups that are relevant to Linux enthusiasts. Great ways to meet up with fellow enthusiasts.

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Bobbie Sellers
Bobbie Sellers
2 years ago

In San Francisco we also have SF-LUG a somewhat anarchic group that presently is holding online meeting on the first Sunday of the Month on meets attended by a lot of people outside San Francisco.. is the URL

Alan J. Raul
Alan J. Raul
1 year ago

SLOLUG (San Luis Obispo Linux Users Group)has moved