
Linux Around The World: USA – Colorado

Last Updated on July 22, 2023


ColoradoPopulation: 5.8 million
Capital: Denver
Largest City: Denver
Major Industries: Manufacturing, aerospace, bioscience, electronics, energy and natural resources

Colorado is a state in the Mountain West subregion of the Western United States. It is bordered by Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Kansas to the east, Oklahoma to the southeast, New Mexico to the south, and Utah to the west, as well as touching Arizona to the southwest at the Four Corners.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
BoulderBLUG: Boulder Linux Users Group meets the second Thursday of each month and have a mailing list to discuss different topics related to Linux.
Fort CollinsNCLUG: North Colorado Linux User's Group meets at Fort Collins Creator Hub, which is located at 1304 Duff Dr #11, Fort Collins.

Did You Know? The southwest corner of Colorado is the only place in the US where the corners of four states all meet.

Linux Around The World This article is part of our Linux Around The World series showcasing usergroups that are relevant to Linux enthusiasts. Great ways to meet up with fellow enthusiasts.

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