
Linux Around The World: USA – Kansas

Last Updated on July 25, 2023

KansasPopulation: 2.9 million
Capital: Topeka
Largest City: Wichita
Major Industries: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing

Kansas is a state in the Midwestern United States. It is a landlocked state which borders Nebraska to the north, Missouri to the east, Oklahoma to the south, and Colorado to the west.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
Kansas CityKCLUG: Kansas City Linux User Group meets at the Central Library.
Kansas CityKansas City Red Hat User Group is focused on bringing together the Kansas City Red Hat User Community for business and technical (not sales) presentations, conversations, food and drink.
LawrenceKansas Unix & Linux Users Association

Did You Know? Kansas City is the windiest city in the whole of the United States.

Linux Around The World This article is part of our Linux Around The World series showcasing usergroups that are relevant to Linux enthusiasts. Great ways to meet up with fellow enthusiasts.

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