
Linux Around The World: USA – Montana

Last Updated on July 28, 2023

MontanaPopulation: 1.1 million
Capital: Helena
Largest City: Billings
Major Industries: Agriculture, forestry, mining, and energy production, and services

Montana state in the Mountain West subregion of the Western United States. It borders by Idaho to the west, North Dakota and South Dakota to the east, Wyoming to the south, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan to the north. Montana is the only US state that shares a land border with three Canadian provinces.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
BillingsBillingsGLUG has a small informal gathering most Thursday evenings.
BozemanBozemanGLUG meets on a monthly basis at the Montana State University Bozeman. The LUG was founded in 2001.

Did You Know? Montana has two popular nicknames. It is called the “Big Sky Country” as well as “The Treasure State”.

Linux Around The World This article is part of our Linux Around The World series showcasing usergroups that are relevant to Linux enthusiasts. Great ways to meet up with fellow enthusiasts.

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