
Linux Around The World: USA – Oklahoma

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

OklahomaPopulation: 4 million
Capital: Oklahoma City
Largest City: Oklahoma City
Major Industries: Aviation and aerospace, bioscience, energy and logistics industries

Oklahoma is a state in the South Central region of the United States. It is bordered by Texas to the south and west, Kansas to the north, Missouri to the northeast, Arkansas to the east, New Mexico to the west, and Colorado to the northwest.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
Oklahoma CityOKC LUGnuts caters to both beginner desktop users and guru sysadmins alike. We discuss the latest FLOSS news, various useful apps, the pros and cons of different window managers, etc
Oklahoma CityOKC Open Source Hardware is a group of people of all ages, abilities and skills who want to learn how to make use of the latest embedded devices to power their creative imagination.
Oklahoma CityOKC Functional Programming is about teaching and learning functional programming.
Oklahoma CityPythonistas is a Python-centric meet up.
TulsaTulsa Computer Society is an educational organization whose purpose is to help people in Northeast Oklahoma learn and use personal computers.

Did You Know? The state’s name derives from the choctaw words “okla” and “humma”, meaning “red people”.

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