
Linux Around The World: USA – Oregon

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

OregonPopulation: 4.2 million
Capital: Salem
Largest City: Portland
Major Industries: Forestry and wood products, agriculture, nursery products, and food processing

Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the Western United States.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
CorvallisOSU Linux Users Group meet every Tuesdays in-person at 6pm in Kelley Engineering Center room 1005 on the Oregon State University campus.
EugeneEUGLUG: Eugene Unix and GNU/Linux User Group is an informal group of enthusiasts of Unix and Unix-like operating systems, including (but not limited to) open source variants such as Linux.
PortlandPLUG: Portland Linux/Unix Group is a group of enthusiasts dedicated to teaching and learning about Linux, Unix and related freedom-producing technologies.
PortlandPortland Linux Kernel Meetup is designed for people who work on and are interested in the Linux kernel.
PortlandPortland Red Hat User Group is focused on connecting the Portland, Oregon area Red Hat software users, enthusiasts, and people with an interest in Red Hat's open source approach to technology.
PortlandPortland Elixir & Erlang User Group is for enthusiasts who are interested in sharing their knowledge and meeting people who share similar interests.
PortlandDocker Portland lets you meet other developers and ops engineers in your community that are using and learning about Docker.
SalemHack Salem! is a monthly meetup for anybody in the Salem area that's interested in programming, hardware hacking, Making, or other sorts of generally nerdy and geeky topics.

Did You Know? The name ‘Oregon’ appears to derive from the French word ‘ouragan’ (meaning “storm” or “hurricane”), referring to the Chinook winds of the Columbia River.

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