South Dakota

Linux Around The World: USA – South Dakota

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

South DakotaPopulation: 0.9 million
Capital: Pierre
Largest City: Sioux Falls
Major Industries: Foodstuffs, wood products, light machinery, computers, electronics

South Dakota is a state in the North Central region of the United States. South Dakota is bordered by the states of North Dakota (to the north), Minnesota (to the east), Iowa (to the southeast), Nebraska (to the south), Wyoming (to the west), and Montana (to the northwest).

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
Sioux FallsSiouxland Linux Users Group holds meetings at the Main Branch of the Siouxland Libraries in Downtown Sioux Falls.

Did You Know? South Dakota was named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes who have historically dominated the territory.

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