
Linux Around The World: USA – Washington

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

WashingtonPopulation: 7.7 million
Capital: Olympia
Largest City: Seattle
Major Industries: Aerospace, agriculture/food manufacturing, clean technology, information and communication technology, forest products, life science/global health, maritime, and military/defense

Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the Western United States. It’s bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean, to the north by British Columbia, to the east by Idaho, and to the south by Oregon.

User Groups

LocationLinux User Group
BellevueBELUG: Bellevue Linux Users Group is dedicated to promoting an interest in and an understanding of Linux and other free software. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:00PM.
BellinghamBLUG: Bellingham Linux User Group was started in 1998 by a small group of computer geeks who wanted to get off Windows and learn from local Unix gurus.
OlympiaOMUG: The Olympia Microcomputer Users Group serves the computer user community in the south Puget Sound area of western Washington. It has a monthly SIG, the “Linux and Raspberry Pi SIG.” Meetings are sometimes hybrid (live and also online) and sometimes just online using the Jitsi platform.
PullmanThe Washington State Linux Users Group exists to promote the visibility and use of Linux and other Free and Open Source software.
SeattleGSLUG: Greater Seattle Linux Group is a community of people who share an interest in Linux and open source software.
SeattleWSeaLUG: West Seattle Linux User Group is for anyone interested in Linux and talking about it with your friends and neighbors.
SpokaneSLUG: Spokane Linux User's Group has been meeting for over 15 years, discussing technology, Linux troubles, and advice. Meeting are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM.

Did You Know? Residents of Washington are called Washingtonians or ‘toners.

Washington currently produces over half the Nation’s domestically grown apples.

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