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NerdFetch – fetch script using Nerdfonts

A system profiler is a utility that presents information about the hardware attached to a computer. Having access to hard information about your hardware can be indispensable when you need to establish exactly what hardware is installed in your machine.

NerdFetch is a simple shell script which fetches information about your system.


We tested NerdFetch in Manjaro, an Arch-based Linux distribution. There are a couple of packages available in the Arch User Repository.

Installing NerdFetch in Manjaro

The AUR is a community-driven repository. It contains package descriptions (PKGBUILDs) that allow users to compile a package from source with makepkg and then install it via the in-house pacman, a lightweight, simple and fast package manager that allows for continuously upgrading the entire system with one command

The AUR package puts nerdfetch in the /usr/bin/ folder.

We didn’t expect any installation issues as NerdFetch is simply a shell script. You don’t actually need a distro-specific package, as it’s easy just to download the shell script and place it in a directory in your PATH.

This is cross-platform software. Besides Linux, it runs under Android, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and macOS.

In Operation

You’ll need to use a compatible terminal emulator. For example, the hyper terminal has issues displaying Nerdfonts. Here’s Alacritty in action.

$ nerdfetch


In case you are wondering, yay is a popular AUR helper written in Go. It’s fast searching for packages in the AUR.

Inspecting the shell script shows there are a few options:

$ nerdfetch -p

This switches the font to Phosphor.


$ nerdfetch -c

We can also switch the font to Cozette.

NerdFetch in action

$ nerdfetch -e

And emoji fans are not forgotten.



NerdFetch is a very simple fetch script which will appeal to Nerdfont fans. It only shows a very limited amount of system information, so it’s not really a system profiler. It’s designed to be minimal, compact, portable, and as distro-agnostic as possible.

Nerd Fonts are popular fonts that are patched to include icons.

Developer: Kainoa Kanter
License: MIT License

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