Ninslash Team Deathmatch

Ninslash – a great fun open source 2D platform game needs YOU!

Last Updated on August 11, 2021

We’ve received tons of feedback asking for more exposure to Linux’s open source gaming scene. We’re always wanting to make Linux more glamorous, sexy, and attractive. Or it could be that we’re wanting to chill out and fancy playing a fast-paced multiplayer game. Whatever the motives, Ninslash caught our attention.

Ninslash is a free multiplayer 2D survival shooter based on another game called Teeworlds, a highly revered retro multiplayer shooter. Ninslash saw its first release in August 2016.

Like Teeworlds, Ninslash falls under the genre of a frenetic multiplayer survival game. You can either join a public server, or run your own LAN server. There’s a couple of public servers set up for ‘invasion mode’, although there’s other game modes available (more on that later).


As Ninslash is an open source game, you’ve got full unfettered access to the source code. This gives you the option of compiling the source code. But sometimes life is too short. And with games, I often revert to using any developer’s binary, rather than compiling the source code. The game is written in C++ and Python.

The developer provides binaries for Linux, Android, Mac OS, and Windows. When developing an online multiplayer game, it’s important that multiple operating systems are supported, as it helps manage the player base.

The local server can be started by running ninslash_srv.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Customization
Page 4 – Summary

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