Party music

odio – free to download radio streaming software

Last Updated on November 5, 2020

I’ve been writing a lot about multimedia software recently. My recent focus has been on YouTube and music players such as Kaku, Strawberry, Headset, and Qmmp. Staying on the multimedia theme, I’m experimenting with the best way of listening to the radio on my Linux boxes. One of my favorite ways is to use the Internet Radio GNOME Extension, which ranked 10th in the 24 Excellent GNOME Extensions feature. But I’m finding so many great applications designed for other desktop environments such that I’m slowly moving away from GNOME.

Step forward odio. It’s a cross-platform, no-charge radio streaming software with more than 20,000 radio stations. These radio stations are taken from

Odio runs on any graphical desktop environment. Linux support arrived with version 1.1.0 in November last year.


Let’s get a thorny issue out of the way. While odio can be downloaded without charge, the software is not (currently) released under an open source license. The developer’s GitHub repository intimates odio will shortly be released under an open source license. Let’s hope so!

You therefore cannot download the source code and compile it. Instead, what are the installation options? For Linux, the developer offers an AppImage (32- and 64-bit) which makes it easy to run the software. AppImage is a format for distributing portable software on Linux without needing superuser permissions to install the application. All that’s required is to download the AppImage, and make the file executable by typing:

$ chmod u+x ./odio-1.4.0-x86_64.AppImage

When you run odio for the first time, you are asked whether or not you wish to integrate the AppImage with your system. By agreeing, odio is added to your applications menu and icons are installed. Even if these are not important to you, you do want to accept. This is because many radio streams otherwise wouldn’t play on my Ubuntu and Manjaro systems.

With integration chosen, odio creates a directory in ~/.config/odio where it stores its cache, and settings.

If you prefer snaps, odio can be downloaded and installed from You’ll need to have snapd running on your machine if you want to go down the snap route.

Your distro may also provide a convenient package to download and install the software.

Next page: Page 2 – In Operation

Pages in this article:
Page 1 – Introduction / Installation
Page 2 – In Operation
Page 3 – Other Features
Page 4 – Summary

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Kevin Friend
Kevin Friend
6 years ago

I’ve just tried out odio this afternoon. It’s interface is beguiling. Shame there’s no source code, as I’ve got a few features I’d like to add, or at least contribute the framework.

Vic B
Vic B
6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Friend

I agree, without the source code we cannot help the project, except in a very limited way. It seems the developer is uncertain as to what open source license to choose, he’s even asked on his GitHub page what license to choose.

Maybe LinuxLinks can take a look at an open source radio player like Shortwave (badly named but an interesting project). It was called Gradio, dunno why the name change?

Harold Plumber
Harold Plumber
6 years ago

“memory also ramps up here, approaching 1 GB of RAM”

Sounds like the application is “leaking memory” badly.

But with a closed source , binary image only program, who knows what else it is doing.

Alexander Botero
Alexander Botero
6 years ago

It does not start here. Nor does it print error messages either. Nothing.
$ sudo snap install odio
$ snap run odio

Nothing appears.
What does this software do?

I run:
$ lsb_release -a
Description: Ubuntu 18.10 64bit

6 years ago

Why dont you try the AppImage?

Arthur Taylor
Arthur Taylor
6 years ago

I’d like to use this app on PCLinuxOS but this distro doesn’t use systemd do snaps are out. I can’t find the AppImage that is mentioned – any clues as to where to find it, if it does actually exist? (I’ve got the snap running fine on openSUSE)

Bruce W
Bruce W
6 years ago
Reply to  Arthur Taylor

Why on earth would Luke Baker make it up that an AppImage exists. Maybe you should open your eyes?

Arthur Taylor
Arthur Taylor
6 years ago

Thank-you very much, downloaded and installed successfully on PCLinuxOS.

2 years ago

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